Stafford Grading Services

Stafford Grading Services

Land Clearing
Large and small tracts typically 1 to 50 acres. Start-to-finish services are provided; from planning and consultation, timber harvesting, all the way through to finish grade and seeding.
Pond construction and maintenancePond Construction
Farm, recreation, big or small, it's all treated the same as land clearing. Start-to-finish service includes installing overflow structures, fish habitats, earth piers and islands.
Pond Maintenance
Cleaning around ponds and dams, fixing leaking dams, adding volume to pond area, installing new overflow structures.
Building Site Preparation
Sometimes people need to have an area graded before building. We build building pads. This is where we level off an area to a specific elevation, sometimes adding dirt, sometimes taking it away. We then will compact the earth to support the weight of the new structure. We'll also grade the earth for positive water flow away from structure.
Want some stuff torn apart - you've come to the right comapny! We love to tear stuff apart! It's lots of fun! Old houses, barns, mobile homes, you name it anything that's unwanted. And we'll haul it away and regrade what's left for you too.
Access ConstructionRoad Building, a.k.a, Access Construction
Brian coined a new term for road building, "access construction". We build roads to get you from point A to point B. Logging roads, driveways, roads to access remote areas, roads around farms and roads to timberland. In other words, we'll get you access.
Property Line Clearing
We clear lanes beside property lines so folks can drive around and see their property. It's a little less intense than road building because lanes are used less often.
Timberland Cutover Reclamation
So you have had your timber harvested and there are piles of brush and stumps everywhere. We'll go in and burn the brush at the logging deck and rake over the rest of the cutover into windrows so you can replant trees. This work is usually contracted by timber consultants or timber buyers.
Deer Hunting Shooting Lanes
Why not clear a lane out to, or near your deer stand? We have cleared quite a few out here.
Erosion Control
Stop the earth from eroding away. We'll create terraces, waterways, drainage ditches, water diversions, berms, installing rock, seeding and strawing, and more.
Drainage Problems Corrected
We'll grade an area so that it will drain or dry up. Ditching, french drains, adding or removing dirt all work to acheive this goal.
Farm Maintenance
Over the years fields need to be regraded due to erosion or other natural reasons. We rebuild terraces, waterways and berms. We also clean up around field borders.
General Grading
We will level out areas, grade for parking areas, anything that can be done with a piece of construction equipment - just ask - we're pretty good at this stuff.
We also haul gravel, sand, clay and topsoil.